MVNF and Sporting Chance have formed a partnership since 2012 because both organizations have the same vision about Sport and Children.
Sporting Chance realises that sport brings together people from all walks of life and breaks down barriers of generations, cultures, race, gender and income levels. Entrepreneur Brad Bing determined to use sport to improve the lives of children in South Africa. Sporting Chance’s philosophy is to get children off the streets, away from their computer games and TV’s and instill in them, a love of sport. With disciplined, structured coaching that strikes a balance between sports, academics, and “play”, Sporting Chance has developed some of South Africa’s most promising sportspeople.
The approach of Sporting Chance has been two-fold – setting up and running sport coaching and holiday clinics at schools in and around Cape Town and the conceptualisation and co-ordination of youth sport events that include:
- Health of the Nation
- Khulani Beach Soccer
- Calypso Cricket
- Street Cricket
- Street Soccer
To visit the Sporting Chance website, click here